All day I have been adding more and more things to my ebay account. I am really determined to get rid of everything I don't wear, which is probably a good 75% or more of my closet. I have weird attachments to things and feel guilty getting rid of them. Am I ever going to wear a spandex rouched purple ruffle dress ever again? No (that's going to Beacon's Closet I think...). I ordered a pair of HOPE pants a little while ago from Stand Up Comedy and unfortunately they were way too big. But! I am exchanging them for this
Mono dress:

and I think I am even more excited about it. I love that it is a little see-through (I also have a mini girl crush on the model!). I think it will look pretty cute with these H&M wedges I bought a few weeks ago...

It was very difficult not getting these in the cream version too, but like I said in my last post, I am getting a little better at holding back.
thats a really cute dress.
those shoes are amazing!
I know the feeling!
I have so much in my wardrobe that's never used, but still it's impossible for me to get rid of them/sell them! It's so stupid :p Oh well.
Those H&M wedges are so nice!
I think that dress would look lovely on you :)
btw, I love your blog. Mind if I link you?
oh, I also thought about buying these heels, but I've chosen some classic wedges, hope they'll arrive tomorrow and I hope they'll fit (got a shoe-problem) anyway, those wedges are great! and the dress as well.
oooh, that dress will look fantastic on you. crazy in love with those wedges too.
Oh what, how did I miss those shoes? Crap they're probably all gone by now too. Sometimes I wish I had freakishly large or freakishly small feet so I could always find shoes in weird close-out shops...and in H&M. Grrr.
Also, I feel exactly the same about 75% of the stuff in my closet, even after getting rid of a lot on etsy! I'm sort of starting to worry though, because I feel like I'm not really gaining many pieces that I DO want to wear in the process, which was sort of half the point (the other being just to de-clutter), but oh well, it feels good to get rid of stuff, even if I just use the money to buy groceries.
thaaank you. I've linked you up now :)
i'll write it again, those wedges are so cute!! i wonder if they still have them at h&m?
Siri and Arianna - the H&M on 5th and 51st always has whatever I can't find at the crummy one on Broadway (these were the last pair there, and I was so so so shocked to actually find them!)
I forgot all about that one, man. Even the one on 42nd and 5th is better than the awful one by Union Square that I always wander in to. Thanks for the reminder!
totally will look great with the wedges. tried the cream ones too, unfortunately regretting the non-purchase.
LOVE that dress!
the h&m wedges are so nice, i'll definately be on the look out for them over here!
p.s with your blog layout, how did you adjust it so the blog posts are really close to the side bar/profile etc.
Brittany - I just make my photos nearly as wide as the total width of the entry-part of my blog (i think its like 800 pixels or so). Yours is actually the same way! I just looked and the text is stretched all the way from either end, i think it is just by chance in mine sometimes that it ends up close to the text in the sidebar
I have the H&M shoes in white.
Love them!
i have them in white as well, and i swear to god they're the easiest grown-up shoes i can walk in. its hard to get rid of pieces people have given you, like they'll peek in your closet when they visit...
those shoes are TO DIE FOR! i really want something similar for when i go to london in july! x
The dress and shoes will look so great together! I have such trouble cleaning out my closet im always thinking well maybe ill wear this someday when i know i really wont
I have these shoes, and find them to be insanely comfortable, even when trudging up the hills in San Francisco. But I didn't even know they came in cream until I saw Susie Bubble wearing them on her blog! Now I want them in that color too!
those wedges are so cool ... must get them
ohh I love the dress!! oh yeah brooklyn has some of the best vintage shops, but its getting expensive up there!!?? I love the place where you get free pizza with a drink:) :) ahh going to brooklyn soon hehe :)
the wedges are so cute! cant wait to see you in the dress and wedges! :)
That dress is dreamy, I love it.
i would never be able to resist the cream version too. that'll make such a great outfit
hope the dress works out better for you! great job holding back. i think every girl has to work on that a little.
the mono dress is perfect
that dress looks so airy and comfy. i'd love something like that too :)
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