I went to the opening of "Portugal" two nights ago at the amazing gallery/shop KIOSK the other night. This is one of my favorite places in the city. It is probably one of the few diamonds in the rough that exist in the terrible stretch of SOHO by Broadway. Every few months they open with a new exhibition of things they found in a specific place or country (& sell them). This time its Portugal. If you're in the city you should definitely check it out! Look for the pink neon arrow pointing up an inconspicuous staircase on the NW corner of Spring&Broadway. I am already thinking about Xmas and there are too many perfect things here to give.
(straw doormat, Portuguese straw bag, metal bread toaster, Licor Maracuj, Beer glass, Dove on a stick, Wax Book, Viarco colored pencils, Vanilla sugar, Horn hair combs: all via KIOSK (you can get this stuff online too)