I love the idea of Sweden's
T-POST. I don't know who doesn't love getting mail, and magazines in the mail. I always forget that I've subscribed to things - the other day I got a copy of POP in the mail that I already own, because I forgot I had a subscription. But despite that I already had that issue it was exciting knowing that, yeah! I will be getting more of these! And I have already paid for them...its a surprise every couple months and it feels like its free. T-Post is kind of like getting a magazine, and it calls itself a magazine, but instead, every five weeks (that is more often than it sounds!) you're sent a new t-shirt designed by a different designer, with a news story screened on the inside. "There are t-shirts that can inspire a conversation. And there are t-shirts that can inspire a movement. T-post was created to do both. With T-Post, it’s not just what your t-shirt says about you or the artist who designed it, but also what your t-shirt says about the world. More than just a fashion piece, T-post uses great design as a subversive tool to instigate meaningful thought, conversation, and action. It’s a communication experiment that typically begins with a compliment like ”Nice t-shirt” and continues with the wearer explaining the interesting news story behind the design."
about). So awesome, no?

My first issue - "Sexy Apocalypse"